Posted On: January 1, 1970
Posted On: January 1, 1970

How does air intake work in Kerbal Space Program? How does air intake work in Kerbal Space Program?

Posted On: April 3, 2023
I've just started building planes and am confused about the way air intake works. For instance, the J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine is specified to consume a whopping 132.272 Air/sec whil...[More]

Making Money in Pokemon First Generation Making Money in Pokemon First Generation

Posted On: July 14, 2023
In the first generation of pokemon games, you can't do a rematch on trainers you have beat during the course of the game. Since you only get money by fighting trainers, how are you supposed to ...[More]

Wands and Brooms Wands and Brooms

Posted On: June 16, 2023
I feel like it would make the game more interesting if choosing your wand had a bigger impact on your abilities. Right now it’s pretty much just a cosmetic choice. Same thing goes for brooms I w...[More]

How do I make mobs slowly respawn up to a certain cap? How do I make mobs slowly respawn up to a certain cap?

Posted On: January 27, 2023
I am currently making a Legend of Zelda themed adventure map. I am struggling to make it, so enemies spawn every few minutes but not spawn large amounts over time. I have tried using things like hoppe...[More]

What can affect the rewards in Spy Missions? What can affect the rewards in Spy Missions?

Posted On: January 25, 2023
I 've been doing my best to try and farm for Ivara in Warframe, and I have checked and cross-checked my info, but I simply do not appear to be getting the Neuroptics.I have checked and cross-checked m...[More]

What does it mean to have sacred - ancestral aspects? What does it mean to have sacred - ancestral aspects?

Posted On: August 15, 2023
As my level increases, I'm starting to find some sacred/ancestral versions of aspects. However, for the vast majority of aspects, it seems to make no difference what version it is. (in fact, th...[More]

Was enjoying Hogwarts but had to get refund due to crashing Was enjoying Hogwarts but had to get refund due to crashing

Posted On: July 27, 2023
On PC. Game was running like a dream. Then after I kill the first troll in Hogsmeade or after I talk to the clothier the game crashes. No error message or anything.  Bummed out.  Anyon...[More]

Why isnt Minecraft using the full amount of RAM? Why isnt Minecraft using the full amount of RAM?

Posted On: April 6, 2024
Before you jump to conclusions, I've tried to solve this before asking.I cannot seem to get Minecraft to go above 5% of the allocated memory. Here's what I've done: set the max fps to like 130, update...[More]

Does leaving the car on use up fuel? Does leaving the car on use up fuel?

Posted On: March 3, 2024
In Pacific Drive, when I put the car in park I can exit the car without turning off the engine. Does leaving the engine turned on use up fuel if the car isn't moving?Question from user Stevoisiak at g...[More]

Is it just me or does Professor Hecat from Hogwarts Legacy look like Gabbie Hanna? Is it just me or does Professor Hecat from Hogwarts Legacy look like Gabbie Hanna?

Posted On: September 23, 2023
When I first played the game and saw this professor my first thought was “She looks like someone”. Then I was like woah, Hecat looks similar to Hanna!. Question from user weather_it_be ...[More]