Posted On: January 1, 1970
Posted On: January 1, 1970

Is Angry Birds deterministic? Is Angry Birds deterministic?

Posted On: December 21, 2022
While trying to get 3 stars on the more complex levels (the ones with a lot of destructible entities) I noticed that even after playing the same level over 50 times, doing always the same thing, I've ...[More]

In Tears of the Kingdom is there a workaround for using an Amiibo more than once per day? In Tears of the Kingdom is there a workaround for using an Amiibo more than once per day?

Posted On: May 13, 2023
Each unique amiibo unlock random loot, but can only be used once every 24 hours in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. If you try and exceed the limit you will receive the message “This a...[More]

Is there any way to reduce repeated science experiments in KSP? Is there any way to reduce repeated science experiments in KSP?

Posted On: April 10, 2023
There are many science experiments in the game that only give you part of the value whenever you carry them out and retrieve the data. So, even if you rerun the experiment, you only get part of t...[More]

How do I beat level 31 in Worms 2 Armageddon? How do I beat level 31 in Worms 2 Armageddon?

Posted On: August 7, 2023
As a lifelong gamer, I was amazed by the difficulty of Worms 2: Armageddon on the Android platform. After a long struggle, I was finally able to finish level 30, which is basically the end of the camp...[More]

Is this Moaning Myrtle in Hogwarts Legacy? Is this Moaning Myrtle in Hogwarts Legacy?

Posted On: June 23, 2023
My fiance was playing Hogwarts Legacy and this girl walked by that looks like Moaning Myrtle. Idk if its supposed to be her or just look like her but either way it's funny. Question from user F...[More]

Where can I find the manual for the Turbografx - Virtual Console version of SimEarth? Where can I find the manual for the Turbografx - Virtual Console version of SimEarth?

Posted On: March 24, 2023
I downloaded SimEarth for academic purposes. The problem is that I'm not used to strategic games and I don't get this game (I don't know how to play it and what to do and so on). Is there ...[More]

In Deadcells, What do hollow blue circles with a dot mean on the World Map? In Deadcells, What do hollow blue circles with a dot mean on the World Map?

Posted On: May 1, 2023
During a 2 Boss Stem Cell run, I noticed some biomes on the World Map were marked by sets of hollow blue circles that had a dot inside and were connected together. When selecting a marked location, I ...[More]

What is the best controller setup in Killzone 2? What is the best controller setup in Killzone 2?

Posted On: July 2, 2023
I recently purchased Killzone 2 (PS3) and I'm a bit new to console gaming, especially FPS. I have trouble with aiming and moving/turning sideways. The sensitivity of the right thumb stick doesn...[More]

Anyone else doing this in Hogwarts Legacy? Anyone else doing this in Hogwarts Legacy?

Posted On: March 11, 2023
Just curious if anyone else is trying to be good and stay away from the Dark Arts. I have yet to spend any talent point in it. I never use the spells, however I did learn them. The reason behind me...[More]

How is the additional damage from Chosen weaknesses calculated? How is the additional damage from Chosen weaknesses calculated?

Posted On: January 18, 2023
Some of the Chosens' possible weaknesses make them take additional damage from particular damage sources. These are:.Shell-shocked - additional damage from explosives.Brittle - additional damage from ...[More]