Posted On: January 1, 1970
Posted On: January 1, 1970

Is it possible to get a Diamond Shovel from a Toolsmith villager in Minecraft Java Edition? Is it possible to get a Diamond Shovel from a Toolsmith villager in Minecraft Java Edition?

Posted On: March 3, 2023
According to the Wiki and some forums, an Expert-level Toolsmith villager can offer three types of trades. Diamond -> Emerald. Emeralds -> Enchanted Diamond Axe. Emeralds -> Enchante...[More]

How does Grabby Hand work in Peglin? How does Grabby Hand work in Peglin?

Posted On: August 24, 2023
The description for the Grabby Hand relic states:. Flying enemies are attacked horizontally, allowing for improved targeting. What does "attacked horizontally" mean? How does Grabby Ha...[More]

How can I turn a rare item into a rare magic item? How can I turn a rare item into a rare magic item?

Posted On: October 23, 2023
I turned a silk vest into a rare, and then later found that I could not change it into a magic item, because it isn't normal. . Is there a way to turn a rare item into a magic item? . It was...[More]

Whats the last GTA V Franklin mission? Whats the last GTA V Franklin mission?

Posted On: January 11, 2023
The only character with a number below their name is Franklin, this indicates that there is a mission remaining, but I cannot find it! Any ideas what it might be? Could it be a street race, as I have ...[More]

Will PS4 game discs work on PS5 Console? Will PS4 game discs work on PS5 Console?

Posted On: May 4, 2023
I recently bought a PS5, after long wait. So, the first few games that I plan are - Bloodborne and Demon Souls. The only discs for PS4 available on Amazon India are that from PS4. So, will those di...[More]

How To Spawn after a specific amount of time How To Spawn after a specific amount of time

Posted On: January 27, 2023
I am currently making a Legend of Zelda themed adventure map. I am struggling to make it, so enemies spawn every few minutes but not spawn large amounts over time. I have tried using things like hoppe...[More]

How can a deaf player detect where monsters and caves are in Minecraft? How can a deaf player detect where monsters and caves are in Minecraft?

Posted On: July 13, 2023
I see all the time that the recommended ways to mine is to dig deep and listen out for the sounds of monsters in caves. My niece is deaf, and whilst she loves the building aspect of the game, tasks...[More]

In Yupitergrad 2, How do I defeat the shield drone? In Yupitergrad 2, How do I defeat the shield drone?

Posted On: July 20, 2023
In Yupitergrad 2: the Lost Station, I have just acquired the miniguns, and now I am trying to get past the adjacent room that has a single, button-activated drone that is protected by a glowing shield...[More]

Will setting your time to April 1st bring back April Fools features on Minecraft? Will setting your time to April 1st bring back April Fools features on Minecraft?

Posted On: February 24, 2023
As most people know Minecraft had an April Fools update that removed the inventory entirely only allowing you to pick up one block/item at a time. I was not able to play on April first though so I ...[More]

How do you role play anything but nice characters? How do you role play anything but nice characters?

Posted On: October 27, 2023
I'm someone who feels bad in any video game if I am mean to some NPC. I'm also someone who tries to get everything in a single playthrough and try to pick the right dialogue option for that, r...[More]