Do the Illithid powers have any negative consequences?

Do the Illithid powers have any negative consequences?
Posted On: August 11, 2023

Throughout the game, you can improve your hidden Illithid Powers skilltree by consuming more mindflayer worms. You also get [Illithid] skillchecks from time to time.

However when you do either of these things, the narrator says things like.

Something has been taken from you which you can never get back.

What are the negative consequences of using and growing this power?

Question from user BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft at stackexchange.


Screenrant, in a recent article, summarizes it like this:.

Illithid Powers in Baldur's Gate 3 can have consequences, with certain party members disapproving of their use while others approve.

Overusing Illithid Powers, and making two specific choices at certain points in a playthrough, can lead to one of the game's bad endings, so it's important to use them sparingly and be mindful of their effects.

While there are risks involved, the benefits of using Illithid Powers outweigh the potential drawbacks in combat situations.

See the article for more details.

In this Reddit thread, someone who finished the game tells us that apart from companions disagreeing with your choices, there are no consequences (and a related change remains a choice).

Remember that you can also distribute the tadpoles among companions, which might arguably reduce the risk of a bad ending.

Answer from user Joachim at stackexchange.

Do the Illithid powers have any negative consequences?
Posted On: August 11, 2023

Throughout the game, you can improve your hidden Illithid Powers skilltree by consuming more mindflayer worms. You also get [Illithid] skillchecks from time to time.

However when you do either of these things, the narrator says things like.

Something has been taken from you which you can never get back.

What are the negative consequences of using and growing this power?

Question from user BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft at stackexchange.


Screenrant, in a recent article, summarizes it like this:.

Illithid Powers in Baldur's Gate 3 can have consequences, with certain party members disapproving of their use while others approve.

Overusing Illithid Powers, and making two specific choices at certain points in a playthrough, can lead to one of the game's bad endings, so it's important to use them sparingly and be mindful of their effects.

While there are risks involved, the benefits of using Illithid Powers outweigh the potential drawbacks in combat situations.

See the article for more details.

In this Reddit thread, someone who finished the game tells us that apart from companions disagreeing with your choices, there are no consequences (and a related change remains a choice).

Remember that you can also distribute the tadpoles among companions, which might arguably reduce the risk of a bad ending.

Answer from user Joachim at stackexchange.


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