Does dying in Richter Mode end my run in Dead Cells?

Does dying in Richter Mode end my run in Dead Cells?
Posted On: April 8, 2023

I unintentionally started Richter Mode by freeing Richter then later examining his cage. Now I'm playing as Richter in a different area without any of my items or upgrades.

If I die as Richter will my run restart from the Prisoner's Quarters? Or will I be able to resume my existing run from before I examined the cage?

Question from user Stevoisiak at


Dying in Richter Mode will not end your run. You will instead be sent back to the cage room in Dracula's Castle. The cage will no longer be interactable, meaning you cannot try Richter Mode again in the same run.

Source: I died after posting this question.

Answer from user Stevoisiak at

Does dying in Richter Mode end my run in Dead Cells?
Posted On: April 8, 2023

I unintentionally started Richter Mode by freeing Richter then later examining his cage. Now I'm playing as Richter in a different area without any of my items or upgrades.

If I die as Richter will my run restart from the Prisoner's Quarters? Or will I be able to resume my existing run from before I examined the cage?

Question from user Stevoisiak at


Dying in Richter Mode will not end your run. You will instead be sent back to the cage room in Dracula's Castle. The cage will no longer be interactable, meaning you cannot try Richter Mode again in the same run.

Source: I died after posting this question.

Answer from user Stevoisiak at


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