Which city does chopping production go to in Civilization 6?

Which city does chopping production go to in Civilization 6?
Posted On: July 20, 2023

Is the city that owns the tile? (If so, what determines tile ownership? The city that first expanded into that tile? Or if you swap that tile to a 2nd city to work, does that 2nd city work?).

Or is it the closest city? If so, what's the tie-breaker algorithm where 2 cities are equally close?

In my particular case, I'm wondering whether if Buda buys the tile in this pic, I can then chop it for Buda:.

Question from user tog22 at stackexchange.


Chop production always goes to the city which owns the tile.

Any tile bought within a city is automatically owned by that city, but neighboring tiles can be swapped between multiple cities by going to the screen where you can manually allocate which tiles your workers work on.

Answer from user tog22 at stackexchange.

Which city does chopping production go to in Civilization 6?
Posted On: July 20, 2023

Is the city that owns the tile? (If so, what determines tile ownership? The city that first expanded into that tile? Or if you swap that tile to a 2nd city to work, does that 2nd city work?).

Or is it the closest city? If so, what's the tie-breaker algorithm where 2 cities are equally close?

In my particular case, I'm wondering whether if Buda buys the tile in this pic, I can then chop it for Buda:.

Question from user tog22 at stackexchange.


Chop production always goes to the city which owns the tile.

Any tile bought within a city is automatically owned by that city, but neighboring tiles can be swapped between multiple cities by going to the screen where you can manually allocate which tiles your workers work on.

Answer from user tog22 at stackexchange.


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