Posted On: January 1, 1970
Posted On: January 1, 1970

Is there anything I can do about thieves in A Dark Room? Is there anything I can do about thieves in A Dark Room?

Posted On: May 12, 2023
Some thieves seem to have moved into my village, and are stealing much of what I can gather each turn. I'm currently assuming that eventually I'll encounter an event that will allow me to d...[More]

Does leaving the car on use up fuel? Does leaving the car on use up fuel?

Posted On: March 3, 2024
In Pacific Drive, when I put the car in park I can exit the car without turning off the engine. Does leaving the engine turned on use up fuel if the car isn't moving?Question from user Stevoisiak at g...[More]

Did anyone else hate Lae'zel as much as I did? Did anyone else hate Lae'zel as much as I did?

Posted On: November 19, 2023
I mean come on, she literally was just an asshole from the moment you meet her. She constantly talks down to literally everyone, acts like she is god's gift to the world, and talks like everyone a...[More]

Can you control what ore a drill harvests when its placed over multiple ores? Can you control what ore a drill harvests when its placed over multiple ores?

Posted On: January 5, 2024
I'm trying to harvest the maximum amount of uranium possible from a small patch. Unfortunately, there is a bordering coal patch nearby as well, and two of my electric mining drills are within rang...[More]

How can I make Skip98 work on a laptop with Windows 7? How can I make Skip98 work on a laptop with Windows 7?

Posted On: June 10, 2023
My Mother in law was playing to an old freeware Skip-bo game on her Windows XP computer, it's called Skip98. You could still find it by goggling it, but the original site is down. She bought a ...[More]

How do I find out the mythology and history of my Fortress? How do I find out the mythology and history of my Fortress?

Posted On: April 28, 2024
I've created a nice fortress with taverns, beds, dining room, etc, but how do I access some of the mythology of the world they are in?I have no idea of the context and the history of my world, but I'm...[More]

If you could Avarda Kedavra any person in Hogwarts who would it be? If you could Avarda Kedavra any person in Hogwarts  who would it be?

Posted On: July 5, 2023
I'm going Ignatia Wildsmith. Im so tired of hearing those same 3 lines everytime I floo flame!. Question from user Robj1992 at HogwartsLegacyGaming at reddit. Answer: The b*tch who tries ...[More]

How to quit an online match? How to quit an online match?

Posted On: March 6, 2024
I'm trying to run for the Platinum trophy before the server closure, so I'll soon start to get game modes I don't need anymore, and I don't want to waste my time.Is there a way to leave an online matc...[More]

I need help in Hogwarts Legacy I need help in Hogwarts Legacy

Posted On: July 15, 2023
Can someone please tell me why these potions are locked and how I can fix it? I have the needed ingredients for all of them but it’s saying it’s locked. I tried looking it up, found nothin...[More]

Help i cant reach Level 40 in Hogwarts Legacy Help i cant reach Level 40 in Hogwarts Legacy

Posted On: August 9, 2023
I just finished all the challenges and got all the collectibles yet still can’t reach level 40 is my game bugged? Question from user _Chris_Cross_ at HogwartsLegacyGaming at reddit. Answer...[More]