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Does Duplication Potion count towards the Velvet Chokers card limit?

Does Duplication Potion count towards the Velvet Chokers card limit?

Posted On: January 4, 2024
The Velvet Choker relic effect states "You cannot play more than 6 cards per turn". The Duplication Potion's description says "This turn, your next two cards are played twice". If I use a Duplication Potion, do cards that get played twice count as two cards for the Velvet Choker's 6 card limit? Question from user Stevoisiak at stackexchange. Answer: Yes, whenever a card is copied (via the Duplication Potion or cards like Echo Form and Double Tap) the copy will count as a card played for effects that count ca . . . [More]

Does Duplication Potion count towards the Velvet Chokers card limit?

Does Duplication Potion count towards the Velvet Chokers card limit?

Posted On: January 4, 2024
The Velvet Choker relic effect states "You cannot play more than 6 cards per turn". The Duplication Potion's description says "This turn, your next two cards are played twice". If I use a Duplication Potion, do cards that get played twice count as two cards for the Velvet Choker's 6 card limit? Question from user Stevoisiak at stackexchange. Answer: Yes, whenever a card is copied (via the Duplication Potion or cards like Echo Form and Double Tap) the copy will count as a card played for effects that count ca . . . [More]

Cant revivify a Panzer Vulpaphyla

Cant revivify a Panzer Vulpaphyla

Posted On: January 1, 2024
I'm trying to revivify a Panzer Vulpaphyla in the game Warframe by going to Son, but the game won't let me. I go to Son's menu and click on Panzer Vulpaphyla, then I choose a random mutagen and antigen I have. When I go to preview, it says "PARTS NOT OWNED". Is this because the game will show the Panzer Vulpaphyla in Son's menu even if you haven't actually saved one, or is there a different reason this may be happening? Would I have to end up searching for a Panzer Vulpaphyla? On a side note, I heard that . . . [More]

Cant revivify a Panzer Vulpaphyla

Cant revivify a Panzer Vulpaphyla

Posted On: January 1, 2024
I'm trying to revivify a Panzer Vulpaphyla in the game Warframe by going to Son, but the game won't let me. I go to Son's menu and click on Panzer Vulpaphyla, then I choose a random mutagen and antigen I have. When I go to preview, it says "PARTS NOT OWNED". Is this because the game will show the Panzer Vulpaphyla in Son's menu even if you haven't actually saved one, or is there a different reason this may be happening? Would I have to end up searching for a Panzer Vulpaphyla? On a side note, I heard that . . . [More]

Red border - frame around screen

Red border - frame around screen

Posted On: December 31, 2023
So I was playing ARAM last night, and suddenly I got a red border/frame around my screen. I couldn't move my screen with my mouse anymore. And I had to play with a locked camera for the rest of the game. How did I get this border? And more importantly, how do I get rid of the red border? Question from user Damek at stackexchange. Answer: This is what happens if you press the F9 Key. It's intended for multiple screen usage so the mouse cursor won't leave the game. If you are experiencing this issue just press F9 again and . . . [More]

Red border - frame around screen

Red border - frame around screen

Posted On: December 31, 2023
So I was playing ARAM last night, and suddenly I got a red border/frame around my screen. I couldn't move my screen with my mouse anymore. And I had to play with a locked camera for the rest of the game. How did I get this border? And more importantly, how do I get rid of the red border? Question from user Damek at stackexchange. Answer: This is what happens if you press the F9 Key. It's intended for multiple screen usage so the mouse cursor won't leave the game. If you are experiencing this issue just press F9 again and . . . [More]

What is the name of the racing game in The Rocker (2008 film)?

What is the name of the racing game in The Rocker (2008 film)?

Posted On: December 31, 2023
I’m looking for the name of the racing game in The Rocker, a 2008 comedy film starring Rainn Wilson as "Fish". In one scene, Fish walks in on his nephew Matt and his friend Curtis playing a two-player split-screen racing game. Matt says it's an Xbox game, correcting Fish when he said “Playbox”. You can see the clip and some screenshots of the game here:. Can anyone identify this game? Question from user galacticninja at stackexchange. Answer: It looks like Project Gotham Racing 3 based off of this . . . [More]

What is the name of the racing game in The Rocker (2008 film)?

What is the name of the racing game in The Rocker (2008 film)?

Posted On: December 31, 2023
I’m looking for the name of the racing game in The Rocker, a 2008 comedy film starring Rainn Wilson as "Fish". In one scene, Fish walks in on his nephew Matt and his friend Curtis playing a two-player split-screen racing game. Matt says it's an Xbox game, correcting Fish when he said “Playbox”. You can see the clip and some screenshots of the game here:. Can anyone identify this game? Question from user galacticninja at stackexchange. Answer: It looks like Project Gotham Racing 3 based off of this . . . [More]

What does glowing Mantis Blades mean?

What does glowing Mantis Blades mean?

Posted On: December 31, 2023
I am playing with Mantis Blades and occasionally after eliminating an enemy the blades glow with a blue hue and have blue 'code' rising from them. I have no idea what this is telling me. What does this blue code glow mean? Question from user Neon1024 at stackexchange. Answer: According to Reddit, it's one of your Relic perks that is giving you the glitch effect. Probably Jailbreak, which has a synergy with Mantis Blades:. Dismembering an enemy or performing a Finisher with Mantis Blades will charge the next Leap At . . . [More]

What does glowing Mantis Blades mean?

What does glowing Mantis Blades mean?

Posted On: December 31, 2023
I am playing with Mantis Blades and occasionally after eliminating an enemy the blades glow with a blue hue and have blue 'code' rising from them. I have no idea what this is telling me. What does this blue code glow mean? Question from user Neon1024 at stackexchange. Answer: According to Reddit, it's one of your Relic perks that is giving you the glitch effect. Probably Jailbreak, which has a synergy with Mantis Blades:. Dismembering an enemy or performing a Finisher with Mantis Blades will charge the next Leap At . . . [More]

Where is the best place to get the Hot PotatOwned achievement in HL2: EP2?

Where is the best place to get the Hot PotatOwned achievement in HL2: EP2?

Posted On: December 30, 2023
I'm using a PC, so I can't just get the achievement in HL2 or HL2: EP1. I would like to know, where the best place is to get the achievement. Question from user Tyilo at stackexchange. Answer: "sadly the only half life 2 to have achievements in the pc version is episode 2 so in order to get this achievement you must pick the riding shotgun chapter and play through til you get here, there arent many combine in episode 2". Chapter riding shotgun after Alyx tells you she recognizes that peak from white forest,it is . . . [More]

Where is the best place to get the Hot PotatOwned achievement in HL2: EP2?

Where is the best place to get the Hot PotatOwned achievement in HL2: EP2?

Posted On: December 30, 2023
I'm using a PC, so I can't just get the achievement in HL2 or HL2: EP1. I would like to know, where the best place is to get the achievement. Question from user Tyilo at stackexchange. Answer: "sadly the only half life 2 to have achievements in the pc version is episode 2 so in order to get this achievement you must pick the riding shotgun chapter and play through til you get here, there arent many combine in episode 2". Chapter riding shotgun after Alyx tells you she recognizes that peak from white forest,it is . . . [More]

How can I jump across the bridge?

How can I jump across the bridge?

Posted On: December 30, 2023
I'm playing Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and I need to get this car to the other side of the bridge. Perhaps I'm missing something dead obvious, but how on earth do I do this? It seemed some in-game event triggered the bridge to move, when I reloaded the game it was pointing the right way. But if you jump on the middle part (there's another part behind this one), it triggers the event where the bridge tilts. So jumping to get the cars out of the way seems a no-go. Since I didn't trust the current answers, I went looking elsewhere . . . [More]

How can I jump across the bridge?

How can I jump across the bridge?

Posted On: December 30, 2023
I'm playing Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and I need to get this car to the other side of the bridge. Perhaps I'm missing something dead obvious, but how on earth do I do this? It seemed some in-game event triggered the bridge to move, when I reloaded the game it was pointing the right way. But if you jump on the middle part (there's another part behind this one), it triggers the event where the bridge tilts. So jumping to get the cars out of the way seems a no-go. Since I didn't trust the current answers, I went looking elsewhere . . . [More]

Does the Cursed Scythes buff not work with the Zweihander?

Does the Cursed Scythes buff not work with the Zweihander?

Posted On: December 29, 2023
I got the Cursed Scythe and am testing with the Yuki-Onna. Effect stacks up to 4 times with each successful attack. Damage +60%. Attack Speed: +1. Enemy's attack power: +40%. No matter how many Cursed Scythe hits are dealt beforehand, each giving me the buff's symbol of a scythe in my status, the Zweihander always deals 14 damage? There's no damage increase from the Cursed Scythe hits? Question from user Malady at stackexchange. Answer: The cursed scythe appears to only buff itself, and not any other weapons. . . . [More]

Does the Cursed Scythes buff not work with the Zweihander?

Does the Cursed Scythes buff not work with the Zweihander?

Posted On: December 29, 2023
I got the Cursed Scythe and am testing with the Yuki-Onna. Effect stacks up to 4 times with each successful attack. Damage +60%. Attack Speed: +1. Enemy's attack power: +40%. No matter how many Cursed Scythe hits are dealt beforehand, each giving me the buff's symbol of a scythe in my status, the Zweihander always deals 14 damage? There's no damage increase from the Cursed Scythe hits? Question from user Malady at stackexchange. Answer: The cursed scythe appears to only buff itself, and not any other weapons. . . . [More]

Why remove redstone dust from my command block contraptions?

Why remove redstone dust from my command block contraptions?

Posted On: December 29, 2023
Whenever I show my command block contraptions to my friends, they always comment that I should remove the redstone dust from them. They say it causes lag and that redstone can be unpredictable, but I've never had a problem like that.  Even if I did, I would just slow down the clock I'm using a bit and add comparators or repeaters to get it to work. Besides, if I don't use redstone dust, how am I supposed to activate things like pistons and redstone lamps? If I need redstone dust in order to make my command block contrapti . . . [More]

Why remove redstone dust from my command block contraptions?

Why remove redstone dust from my command block contraptions?

Posted On: December 29, 2023
Whenever I show my command block contraptions to my friends, they always comment that I should remove the redstone dust from them. They say it causes lag and that redstone can be unpredictable, but I've never had a problem like that.  Even if I did, I would just slow down the clock I'm using a bit and add comparators or repeaters to get it to work. Besides, if I don't use redstone dust, how am I supposed to activate things like pistons and redstone lamps? If I need redstone dust in order to make my command block contrapti . . . [More]

Can Mummified Hands effect be wasted on a card that already costs 0 energy?

Can Mummified Hands effect be wasted on a card that already costs 0 energy?

Posted On: December 26, 2023
The description for Mummified Hand says. Whenever you play a Power, a random card in your hand costs 0 for the turn. Is it possible for Mummified Hand's effect to be wasted by targeting a card that already costs 0 energy like Miracle or Consecrate? Question from user Stevoisiak at stackexchange. Answer: According to the Slay the Spire Wiki, no. As with other effects that reduce the cost of a random card, Mummified Hand will never "waste" itself by targeting a card that already costs 0. This includes skills affect . . . [More]

Can Mummified Hands effect be wasted on a card that already costs 0 energy?

Can Mummified Hands effect be wasted on a card that already costs 0 energy?

Posted On: December 26, 2023
The description for Mummified Hand says. Whenever you play a Power, a random card in your hand costs 0 for the turn. Is it possible for Mummified Hand's effect to be wasted by targeting a card that already costs 0 energy like Miracle or Consecrate? Question from user Stevoisiak at stackexchange. Answer: According to the Slay the Spire Wiki, no. As with other effects that reduce the cost of a random card, Mummified Hand will never "waste" itself by targeting a card that already costs 0. This includes skills affect . . . [More]